Angelo Ortiz Tandazo

École Normale Supérieure & Grenoble-INP | Previously: SU


Centre Sciences des Données

45, rue d'Ulm

75005 Paris, France

I am a PhD student at the Cognitive ML team (LSCP, ENS) and the CRISSP team (GIPSA-lab, Grenoble-INP) working on modelling early vocal learning with a simulated vocal tract under the supervision of Emmanuel Dupoux and Thomas Hueber.

I hold a BSc in Computer Science from Sorbonne University, and the Diploma in Computer Science from École Normale Supérieure. As part of my programme at ENS, I also obtained an MSc in Machine Learning (Master 2 MVA) from École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay.


Oct 2, 2023 I started my Phd on early vocal learning at LSCP and GIPSA-lab.
Apr 11, 2023 I started my internship on the development and implementation of a gestural model for speech perception at Aix-Marseille University.
Oct 10, 2022 I started my internship on gestural speech perception at Cognitive ML.

selected publications