
General Information

Full Name Angelo Ortiz Tandazo
Date of Birth 20th May 1997
Languages Spanish, English, French


  • 2023-present
    PhD in Cognitive Science and Machine Learning
    Ecole Normale Superieure
  • 2023
    Diploma in Computer Science
    École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
  • 2022
    MSc in Machine Learning
    École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Ivette, France
  • 2019
    BSc in Computer Science
    Sorbonne University, Paris, France


  • Apr - Sep 2023
    Research Intern
    Aix-Marseille University
    • Development and evaluation of a gestural model for speech perception
  • Oct '22 - Mar '23
    Research Intern
    Cognitive Machine Learning
    • Gestural speech perception
  • Apr - Sep 2022
    Research Intern
    Télécom Paris & onepoint
    • Word-sense disambiguation by graph analysis
  • Apr - Aug 2021
    Research Intern
    Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck
    • Screening rules for interaction models

Academic Interests

  • Self-supervised learning
  • Language acquisition
  • Computational linguistics

Other Interests

  • Non-academinc: Programming, technology, climate change.
  • Hobbies: Football, cycling, travelling.